Thursday, 24 May 2012

Exporting murder

I have been reading about the deportations of Cambodians from the US, who are deemed criminal aliens and were made eligible for deportation ten years ago when Cambodia agreed to US terms on their return. There are too many cases to go into and I can see why Americans are right to want violent murderers and gangsters off their soil....but as a whole the US policy is so hypocritical if you consider what the US did in my country. Firstly the napalm raids, one of which almost burned me to death in 1968, the Operation Menu bombings that killed my first wife Aung in 1972, the open support and financing of the Khmer Rouge in the 1980s and 1990s with some of the world's worst killers being courted by Regan and Bush senior. So it is more than ironic to think of how America wants the 'worst' of Cambodia off its soil yet did the worst things anyone could do to my country. oh why did the US not keep their killers out of our skies? Why did they not keep Kissinger (the Nobel peace prize winner lol) away from us, why burn bomb maim violate and torture my people then rail that a few Khmer hooligans have upset your balance? If there were not so many lives lost and not so much tragedy in all of this, the whole hypocrisy would be laughable....sadly it is a sorry tale of tears....

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