Saturday 22 September 2012

Mabon 2012

My Lord and Lady,

I give thanks for the blessings of bounty this harvest has delivered.
I give gratitude for what I have,
I give willingly to those who do not have,

Give blessings for the nurturing of the fields,
for the sun the sky and replenishing forces,

I give my thoughts to this time of rest
in the sacred hours of the Crone,
In the coming of the great sleep,
I embrace the darkness that will fall on Earth
for these coming months,
I sleep in your womb, my soul rests in its earth
in its prayers I am still and casting off the decaying
and from me comes the germ of renewal and hope
come the spring.

May this time bring healing in the stillness
May this time bring contemplation,
May this time bring courage within the dark
and hope for the coming light.